Thursday, June 14, 2012

Castaways Sculpture Awards 2012

The fifth annual Castaways Sculpture Exhibition was held under cloudy skies on the Rockingham foreshore in May 2012 and attracted large crowds who came to view the various artistic creations on display.  This event highlights the importance of recycling and sustainability as all artworks in this outdoor exhibition must have a recycled component.  The photos below are just a few examples of the way various artists have expressed their message about recycling and concern for the environment.

Made from recycled metal.  The rustic medium utilised in these sculptures arises from the artists love of all things old and antique, together with his inspiration from the bush which has enabled the transformation of scrap metal into these works of art. Winner of the 'People's Choice' award and my personal favourite because I love Grasstrees and would be more than happy to have this sculpture in my garden.
Made from recycled plate steel. Through the use of hard edges, straight lines and organised components, this work demonstrates the structural imposition created by our expanding world of industry and commerce on the fragile and delicate system that is the natural world. It is a metaphor for a modern way of life. Take a step back however and 3990 identical individuals work together in a free flowing and natural form.
Fish... and it was THIS big!
Made from copper and aluminium, the artist's inspiration was from the sea and the enjoyment received from it, together with the wish that our coast remains unspoilt for future generations.
Sprung Trap
Made from steel, aluminium, plastic and stainless steel.
Years of over-fishing saw the demise of crabs in Cockburn Sound. Stocks have now recovered.
This recycled crab trap will ensure the survival of the species by not catching any crabs.
It's all about the View
Made from recycled steel, this work represents Man's need to have the best views of the coast,  building large apartments as close to the ocean as possible. Ironically the construction of these towers impacts heavily on the environment and changes the natural beauty of the coastline forever. At what environmental cost to everyone does the views of the lucky few come with? Have we neglected to realise we are slowly destroying what we are setting out to embrace?
A Snail with Tales
Made from Aluminium, litho plate from 'The West Australian', rubber inner tube, and drink cans,
the snail writes a  message about recycling with its tail.
Cause for Concern
Made from discarded plastic packaging and aluminium items attached to steel wire frames,
to convey the way our world is being polluted by packaging and discarded items that overwhelm life particles.
Made from recycled woollen blankets, the life-size figures have been modeled on two students in the sculpture class, patterns made, then blankets cut and sewn to size as casings representing body forms
for this life-size figurative sculpture.

This is just a sample of the photos I took at the Castaways Sculptures Awards and it is not possible to display them all here, however the full album of my photos can be viewed at:--
Hope you find them interesting. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Success -- Just what does it mean?

Recently I saw a sign in a shop window -- the message was simple -- "Success is doing the best you can with whatever you have".

Success means different things to different people, and each will have their own interpretation of its meaning, but I reckon that message on the sign board sums it up pretty well...